The Digital Library and Bibliography of Literature in Translation and Adaptation (DLBT) brings together translations and their reception documents in one digital collection. With a stock of about 2,111 volumes and more than 60,000 bibliographical entries in Dutch, German, English, French, Czech, Polish and other languages, DLBT is a useful instrument for users and researchers.

The DLBT generates bibliographies of literature in translation and reception documents, offers access to digital libraries of literature in translation and to digital libraries of their reception documents, and presents links to literature in translation and reception documents on different servers. Furthermore, it offers possibilities to visualise relations between different authors, translators, publishers, etc., produces statistical overviews, exports metadata in different formats, and offers different formats to download documents.

The database does not only present the digitised content and bibliographic metadata of the translations, but also their material characteristics (book covers, illustrations, etc.) and afterlife in public discourse.
