
Contact email: wg-archives[at]historyandtranslation[dot]net (delivers to the convenors)

The Work Group is open to everyone interested, so please feel free to pass on the invitation to join the group! It is possible to join the Work Group even without being a member of the History and Translation Network, but becoming a member in HTN would enable access to any resources available to the HTN members and we encourage scholars interested in archives to join both the Network and its Work Group. 

Aims of the Work Group

The main focus of the Work Group is meta-methodological. We want the group to increase awareness of archival work in its different forms and of the diversity of different archives; to provide peer support and advice on archival matters; to alert researchers to challenges but also to empower them by facilitating methodological, practical and theoretical discussions, presentations, panels and writings.

Drawing on these discussions, we will produce a book/e-book (open access) on meta-methodological issues in archival study of translations and translating. Meta-data of archives is one of the key issues to be discussed.

As for the diversity of archives, (at least) the following considerations would be taken into account:

  • genres: audiovisual, literary, interpreting among others
  • modes: paper, audio/visual, digital, etc;
  • degree of officialdom: state, literary, public, private etc;
  • types/sites/: publishers’, workplace, censorship archives, etc;
  • accessibility: permissions, recommendations etc; costs
  • emerging archives (how to ensure the preservation and access to present-day documents, as they are produced)

How to join

To join the WG, please write to: wg-archives[at]historyandtranslation[dot]net (delivers to convenors)