Testi, contesti, protagonisti della mediazione letteraria LTit è un progetto dedicato alla letteratura tradotta in Italia. Si tratta di una banca dati che raccoglie le traduzioni pubblicate in volume nel corso del …
Italian Woolf Project
Virginia Woolf and Italian Readers investigates the reception of Woolf in Italy. It studies how and by whom her work was translated, published, reviewed and studied in Italy, with a …
Radical Translations
A database of radical translations to and from English, French and Italian, 1789-1815. Under resources you will find c. 900 radicalising translations, searchable by source text, translation, author, translator and …
JEWTACT: Jewish Translation and Cultural Transfer in Early Modern Europe
JEWTACT is a database of all translations made from European to Jewish languages during the period 1450-1830. JEWTACT is a collaborative research project, which focuses on the rich corpus of …
Heidelberger Übersetzungsbibliographie
An online catalogue of translations into German of non-literary texts from French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Latin, English and Dutch in the period 1450-1850. Link: https://hueb.iued.uni-heidelberg.de/de/ (website available in German and …